sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009

Lack of Natural Resources

The size of our planet made and still makes many people believe that natural resources are unlimited.

Most of the natural resources that men depend on to live or to keep his well being may disappear in a short time. The principal causes for the resources disappearance are:

· The excess of exploration of resources (hunting, fishing and the non-measured use of the resources as energy source);

· The system of intensive farming which exhausts the soil;

· The excess of population; the natural resources are not enough for the demographic growth.

· The excess of consumption;

This lack of resources will have serious consequences in a near future. If humanity don’t reduce the consumption of the resources, the lack of them may cause the extinction of species, the worsening of the global warming, the damage and alteration in the landscape and the extinction of the reserves of non-renewable energetic resources.

In order to prevent this situation from getting worse, we must make a balanced use of natural resources.


1 comentário:

  1. I really agree with you, many people seem to forget that nothing in this world is guaranteed, like natural ressources and the world keeps spending it. One day we'll suffer the consequences and we won't be able to go back.
