sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009

Protected Areas

Protected Areas are at the moment the only way that we have to observe the Nature in its wild shape. Unfortunately we had to create this places because people didn’t respect the animals that were living there and their habitat. Today the only way to protect one specie is to creat one protected area far enough from human hand.
Further more people recognize the importance of this places. One exemple if you travel to Mozambique and visit the Gorongosa National Park will be completly blind with such beautiful enormous jungle. Some years ago that Park was full of animal life: elephants, leons, mokeys and also hippos and crocodiles were eaten by the people when the country was in a long civil war.
Fortunately big efforts are been made to the animal life of the park become to be as it was in the past.

this picture was made by my father in Gorongosa

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